Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @PleasedHeronPeace and Freedomfrom Florida disagreed…4wks4W

This is ridiculous. People act against social and moral norms every day, they are not imprisoned, but are still allowed to vote. Many horrible people are walking around free because they either haven't been caught or their offensives didn't rise to the level of an outright crime. What about the falsely convicted? Should their rights be denied because we have a flawed judicial system?

Who are you to decide who is moral enough to choose our leaders?

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…4wks4W

Voting is a privilege, not a right. I explain in my initial comment above.

 @Unanim0usMuesliSocialist from Washington disagreed…4wks4W

Most people are in jail for drug offenses. Not a fan of drugs myself, but it’s literally half of the prison population. Hurting themselves, mostly.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…4wks4W

People who have to be locked in cages because they're addicted to poison are OBVIOUSLY not mature or responsible enough to select the leader of the free world. No sane person would disagree. I'm going to ask you to wake up.

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