Try the political quiz

12 Replies


Should companies that contribute heavily to the energy demand, like tech giants, bear more responsibility for solving the power shortage?

 @9KNM77CProgressive from Texas commented…3mos3MO

Energy companies should focus on finding better and more effective ways to supply power, without the constant fair of state wide power failure.


Do you believe personal sacrifices in energy use are necessary for the greater good, and what changes would you be willing to make?


Would you support the construction of large power plants in your community if it meant ensuring a stable power supply?

 @9KNLT5R from Missouri commented…3mos3MO

 @9KNLGR9 from Oregon commented…3mos3MO

If power plants truly gurantee a stable power supply then I support it because that can be useful for everyone

 @SpiritedPoliticLibertarianfrom Missouri commented…3mos3MO

What did you think was going to happen? Electrify everything while rapidly discarding existing generation and “transitioning” by 2025. We had Europe as the cautionary tale but ignored it.

 @TheRightRobRepublican from California agreed…3mos3MO

If we had ignored the hippy panic ignorance about nuclear power in the 60s-70s imagine the grid we'd have now, with a better environment to boot fools

Amid explosive demand, America is running out of power

 @SpiritedPoliticLibertarianfrom Missouri agreed…3mos3MO

If you're not familiar with the Olduvai Gorge theory, it's time to read up. Exponentially increasing consumption of energy (and everything else) meets exponentially increasing barriers to energy production: falling net energy of oil, rivers drying up, etc

 @BoredJudicialSocialistfrom North Carolina disagreed…3mos3MO

…yet the Green New Deal is pushing for all sorts of things that make us reliant on electricity without using fossil fuels. This is an intentional effort to control. But sure, vote Democrat.

 @YearningCardinalGreen from California commented…3mos3MO

We are not "running out" of electricity. We are forcing reliable power generation offline and incentivizing unreliable generation, via taxes subsidies and regulations.

This is energy policy failure.

 @DelegateGiraffeRepublicanfrom Maine disagreed…3mos3MO

But we’ve spent over $1T on renewable subsidies while simultaneously reducing coal and specifically NattyGas base load.

Throw nuclear around too.

Radical Green Energy policies are crushing America’s low cost, abundant energy that had always given us global advantage