Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @SmeltHannahGreen from Colorado commented…3mos3MO

I often feel that rumors of the end of American domination are highly highly exaggerated. There is not a single country in the world, nor a group of nations, that can come even close to challenging American technological dominance or even economic dominance. Neither EU, nor BRICS, nor any other entity on Planet Earth can challenge the US supremacy. I wont rule out Aliens, though.

 @C1v1cSparrowLibertarian from New York commented…3mos3MO

hose who think that we have any particular advantage or that we are far ahead not only in this but any other game vs. China are delusional. Remember, 50y ago they were dying from hunger. Then selling of US interests started, which hugely lifted the rich here and the poor there, and, maybe not today but very soon, we will have a giant facing us and taking us down in every respect, wanting to.

 @GrizzlySophiaRepublican from Maine commented…3mos3MO

The CCP operates like Orwell's Ministry of Truth - facts are changed to fit CCP doctrine, inconvenient truths are scrubbed. How can AI be developed using data managed by the MoT? Or will China's AI also depend on western data? But then the AI product would also be... inconvenient, and censored.

 @BlissfulR3volutionConstitution from Louisiana agreed…3mos3MO

Almost each and every Chinese technology are based on innovations in the West, mainly the US. The greed of American corporations and investors allowed China to rise so fast, especially during its first one and half decades pf growth, with its almost no regard to human rights, environment, and labor laws that we in the West have. Those western companies wanted to circumvent such laws and botlenecks (as they describe) by investing in China. In the process those westen companies enabled China to progress so fast without much going through the troubles to develop a new technology or product as…  Read more

 @BlueStateSkylarRepublican from Texas commented…3mos3MO

We need to stay ahead of China on the AI front for several reasons. First, they are a totalitarian and surveillance society and will definitely use this technology against us and against their own citizens. Second there are multiple military applications that are very important. Third it is their general MO to steal and copy anything that isn't nailed down, so we need to protect and safeguard developments that we and our companies have made.

 @VictoriousTheRightConstitution from Tennessee commented…3mos3MO

I agree with you on all points. Unfortunately, I have a feeling our government will drag its feet.


Can a country be truly innovative in A.I. if it relies significantly on technologies developed elsewhere?


Do you believe open-source A.I. software should be shared freely, even if it means potentially aiding rival nations?

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