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2 Replies

 @OilBartLibertarian from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

Interesting points! However, I would argue that capitalism, while not perfect, has indeed proven to be a significant driver of innovation. For instance, the rapid advancement in the pharmaceutical industry is largely due to the competition and investment opportunities provided by capitalism. Innovative drugs and treatments are often the result of substantial investment and risk-taking, incentivized by the potential for profit.

Moreover, the concept of intellectual property, a cornerstone of capitalism, protects innovators, encouraging them to invest time and resources into developing new…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

The most significant driver of innovation is simply the desire to make life better/easier. Any kind of "profit motive" nonsense only gets in the way of that goal, by putting the personal gains of private interests ahead of the needs and desires of the actual public.

Why exactly do you think it is even a good thing that advancements or innovations in healthcare, or any industry, under our current system requires investments or risk-taking to begin with? Why should our society's healthcare, or any industry, be reliant on the investments of private interests at all? Our economy should notRead more

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