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35 Replies

 @9G3WXM7 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

There are various situations regarding to health problems as well as emergency life situations that cannot go to full term, meaning there are many abortions that are necessary. Regardless, any reason for abortion is valid since any human deserves control of life altering decisions to their body.


There are many reasons as to why women become pregnant and sometimes getting pregnant wasn't a choice it was by force and rape. You should not shame a woman because she does not want the product of that abuse to be born. In other instances woman become pregnant but are not ready to be a mother. There is no shame in having sex because it is a normal part of life. However if a woman becomes pregnant it is the her right to decide what happens with the outcome of that choice. Whenever abortions happen the baby has barely developed.

 @9G3Q8XL from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Pregnancy is also a big decision for many people and not some casual decision. Especially for teenage pregnancies, pregnancies through rape, etc. It’s immoral to bring a child into the world that is surely not going to have a good life.

 @9G52J8YDemocrat from California disagreed…8mos8MO

In my opinion I don’t think abortion is wrong because if someone knows they are not capable of having a baby and raise it and they know they’re are not going to be financially stable and support it. So they get an abortion or they put it up for adoption but there is a lot of things that go behind certain businesses. For example there is abuse and sexual abuse, people think abortion is so bad but when it comes to young kids like blm a lot of lives have been taken

 @9G3QKYQ from Kentucky disagreed…8mos8MO

Even though there should be value on all human life, abortion, when it occurs, is done when the fetus isn't fully developed therefore it should not be counted as "taking a human life". In my opinion abortion is simply a right that should be available to all women especialy with circumstances involving rape, sexual assualt, and being forced to have a child.

 @9G3SC36Democrat from California disagreed…8mos8MO

All human life is important, so therefore the mother's life decision should play a large part in the child birth. If either due to health issues or inability to care for the child, the mother should be allowed to abort it as long as she's not too far along to the point where it's already developed.

 @9G3PMPX from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

There are many individuals who have children unexpectedly and many who are not emotionally, physically, or financially available to birth children. It is arguably better to not birth the child than to have both the child and the parent suffer in poverty, misery, and mentally scaring situations.

 @9G3PFRR from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

Some people are inherently not fit to be parents and it would be very bad for a child to be born into a situation like that. Especially if it is expected they will have a bad genetic condition or they were raped. In many cases like for young people still in school, pregnancies can ruin their lives. Other situations can be the pregnancy making the mother deathly ill and preventing the abortion can kill the mother in turn killing the child.

 @9G3SBC9 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I don't think its ethical either to make a woman keep a child she knows she cannot care for, or if she was assaulted and is forced to carry the kid. Same thing when it comes to teens/children who were abused and are forced to carry because its illegal in some states. Funding to foster care is good, i like the idea, but not the idea of forcing one to carry, I know i can argue better than this, but this is all i have for now. Theres more to this than what i just said, but i understand why some are anti abortion. I still dont think its right.

 @9G4TCZS from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

a woman has a right to decide what she does with her body and the government should not be able to tell her what to do with it. also, the situation of the pregnancy matters.

 @9G3PJL5Women’s Equality from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

I am pro-choice I feel as if a woman or a girl is not ready for their body to go through having a baby. When having a baby you not only bring new life into this world you have to go through postpartum. Postpartum depression can cause powerful emotions such as fear, anxiety, mood swings, crying spells, and difficulty sleeping. Postpartum can last for months on in.

 @9G3S837  from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

Human life is a choice, and as such, is a choice to either keep the life, or remove it. If the life in question is harming the mother, then remove the problem. So what if she was irresponsible and was currently in the process of having a child? That was her choice, and it is also her choice to have an abortion. Grown adult.

 @9G5CT7V from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

All abortions that were made were way before the baby developed a consciousness. Humans at the stage where abortion would be carried out are not even human; just a clump of cells without anything that makes us human, meaning it can't think, and it can't feel pain. There has never, in the history of abortions, been an abortion on a baby that was developed enough to be considered a human.

 @M0derateJack from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

The rights of the woman carrying the child. In some situations, carrying the pregnancy to term may not be in the best interest of the woman, due to reasons like health risks, financial instability, or the circumstances under which the pregnancy occurred.

For example, consider a teen girl who becomes pregnant due to a lack of sexual education and access to contraception. If she is forced to carry the pregnancy to term, her future could be compromised. She could lose out on education and job opportunities, potentially perpetuating a cycle of poverty. Shouldn't her rights and future prospe…  Read more

 @9G8W6S2 from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

Abortion should be legal regardless, sometimes even the foster care system can be worse than the living situation the mother would have put that child in. You never know what someone else is going through and not wanting a child is a choice anyone should be able to make.

 @9G8GL72Democrat from South Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

During most of pregnancy, the fetus cannot survive outside of the womb and, therefore, should not be prioritized over the health of the mother.

 @DiscerningInd3pend3ntRepublican from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

You raise a really valid point about prioritizing the health of the mother, which is indeed paramount. However, it's also worth considering the advances in neonatal care. For example, babies born as early as 22 weeks have shown survival rates increasing over the years. How do we reconcile this with the argument of viability outside the womb? I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on this.

 @9G3R6CB from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

i think that is wrong because are rape victims who are young girls who are way to young to be a mother. I think that there should be an increase in funding to foster systems because alot of foster parents who do not deserve to be doing that job

 @9G7JNLK from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Every women has the right to make their own choice about their own body and how they go about dealing with their own personal issues in life concerning their personal health and body.

 @9G97KZY from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

There is not enough help that people who have kids by force because they arent allowed to abort the fetus.

 @9G3PJN7 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I disagree, I think that until the first 3 months, that is not a baby it is a fetus. And given certain circumstances it may not have been the mother's choice to be impregnated., or if the mother is a minor it wouldn't be their responsibility to take care of the unborn child, it would be their parents, and said teenager's life would be over. I don't think the government should have any say in what we do with our bodies. Still, if we're looking for governmental action and solutions to this problem, then we should enforce that ll men get vasectomies when they turn 13 years old and can get it reversed when they're older and responsible enough to take care of a possible child.

 @9G74DJKfrom Northern Mariana Islands disagreed…8mos8MO

Exactly — all human life is significant, including the mother's. While I don't support late-term abortions where there are clearer grounds for supporting that the fetus has a consciousness, banning abortions in all situations awards the fetus/developing embryo too great of a right to infringe the mother's right to retain autonomy over her body, her job, her financial situation etc. — all of those things that comprise a well-lived life. I agree that efforts should be made to better the foster care system, but also believe that the funding should first and foremost go towards providing low-income individuals with access to free birth control methods.

 @9G6FXWG from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Human life is significant - that is why a mother-to-be has a right to an abortion if she feels that having a child will impact the significance of her life negatively. An unborn child cannot choose whether it wants to live or not, and some people are in such a tough place financially that it may ruin their lives and everything they've worked for if a child comes into play. Children are a huge financial deduction and, if paying to feed and clothe this child makes you homeless, your child could be taken away by CPS anyway.

 @9G54KKL from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I think abortion should be allowed because if people dont want to have a baby i think its right for people to make there own choices on what they want to have for there future .

 @9G6B7V6 from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

I disagree with the first sentence. I'm very much pro-choice, Its a women's body she may do whatever with it. What if the women was raped? You expect her to keep her rapers baby? Or what if it's a life or death situation? What if it was the baby's life or the mothers? A baby shouldn't be raised without a mother and there are many options to get a baby a safe way. And i agree with the increasing of funding for the foster systems and better requirements for foster families.

 @9G3QBP8 from Missouri agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this comment. Every person should have the chance of being born. When one chooses to abort they are not freeing themself of a burden, they are denying a person's chance to live. There are also several families who are not able to have children of their own and would gladly adopt any newborn that they could.

 @9G3P8V6 from Mississippi agreed…8mos8MO

Depends on the situation but only if the baby is not viable or if the mother could die then she should decide.

 @9G5GVP6 from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this comment about Abortion. I would let the author know my opinion by number one allowing me to give others the confidence to speak up for their rights because no one other than the person who owns their body decides what or what not will happen to their own body especially women. And number two to give people courage to spread the word positively and not negatively.

 @9G4J4PM from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

it’s a right, clump of cells, planned parenthood is more than just abortions, only reason people get abortions in the third trimester is to save their life

 @9G3KBDJ from Maryland disagreed…8mos8MO

People sometimes aren't ready to have kids and doing so would disrupt their entire lives. Abortions give women a chance to prevent from totally upsetting their lives with a child they just aren't ready for.

 @9G3P8SFSocialist from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

The child that comes from the persons wanting to abourt will live poor lives where the mothers and fathers will not give them the proper care

 @9G42Z38Green from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

It's a cluster of cells, who knows if the baby will have a happy life anyway? Foster systems are ruined and don't work-someone who knows multiple foster children.

 @9G3QK7R from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

it should be illegal because it is a way of murdering the child before they are even born and they didn't even get to see what the world was like.

 @9G3XXXB from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I think that all human life is significant but if you have not been born and a women had just gotten pregnant and is not ready or does not want the child then they should be able to have an abortion. if the baby is over 3 months old then you should not because technicality there is a breathing living thing in you but before that you should be able to have an abortion if you would want to.

 @9G3TS6G from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

I think that every baby should be able to live a life and greed with the statement but also I’m on the other side on it’s a women’s choice to decide since in some cases they never asked for it to happen.


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