Try the political quiz

31 Replies

 @9FNRLH8Peace and Freedom  from California agreed…8mos8MO

Top Agreement

Creating more social programs can really help homeless people and lower the rate of death for homeless people. It is the government responsibility to take care of its citizen even if they dont got money to buy or rent a place.

  @nboutelier  from California, Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

While it is compassionate and just to assist those in dire straits, it is also crucial to acknowledge that resources are finite, and governments must allocate them judiciously across a myriad of essential services such as education, public safety, and healthcare.

 @9LM7W7H from Montana disagreed…2mos2MO

judiciously across a myriad of essential services such as education, public safety, and healthcare.

How are homeless people not included in education, public safety, and healthcare? What you need to realize is that people become homeless as a result of bad services.

 @9JJ99LTLibertarianfrom Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

Truth is some people are dysfunctional and will end up in jail. Many of them will commit assault or theft and imo should be prosecuted accordingly. I do think with some people, efforts to rehabilitate may be cheaper than the cost of dealing with the crime they cause or the costs they put on the healthcare or prison system, but some people are too difficult to rehabilitate.

 @9FNVW8HPeace and Freedom  from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

Homeless people should be given a little bit more of being able to have access to food, clothes, shelter, etc. Helping Homeless people to get help would lower the death rate.

 @9GKGKKYSocialist from California agreed…7mos7MO

Most homeless people aren't happy about it. These people need our help to get a leg up in a society where it's easy to stumble. Just criminalizing these people and punishing them for struggling is inhumane. We should be looking out for our fellow Americans. We need empathy because at any moment, that could be us or someone we love.

We need to help the homeless with their issues. Mentally, physically, psychologically, they need help. If we can help, then why not? It benefits us as a whole.

 @9GNF5SG from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

These people need to be able to get the help they need, they are all people too and deserve it as well.

 @9FJC9PTWomen’s Equality from Minnesota agreed…8mos8MO

(ex. Homeless women/children are more at risk for abuse/sexual assault in shelters that don't have enough funding or space)

If we provide more clean and orderly spaces for those in need it lessens the chance of further traumatic experiences that happen in other homeless shelters. It's why the homeless will fake being sick at the ER just so they can have a clean bed and somewhere safe and professional to go. Even the homeless are allowed to have standards and set boundaries on how they want to be treated.

 @9FLH3C4 from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

The more these people are treated like human beings and given more help, The more likely they are to pull themselves out of their situations.

 @9GJTZCP from Maryland agreed…7mos7MO

Should homeless citizens who have refused available shelter or housing, be allowed to sleep or encamp on public property?" I feel like they should, homeless people have it very rough when you think about it, they have to live without a home, without food, or even clean water. I feel like homeless people should have more access to social programs to provide food, clothing, medicine, and a place to sleep, to help these people get back on their feet. Of course, these people would only be in these places for a little while, or even for however they need just to help them out and get them back on their feet.

 @9FXBVKM from Washington agreed…8mos8MO

Being able to provide someone with the necessities for life allows them to focus on getting a job and securing housing. The government has more than enough money to do so.


We should provide free food, clothing, and medicine to the homeless because this will reduce the risk of bad health and reduce the risk of illness and injury. And we could also help the people that were starving by giving them food too. Just think about the kids too. Not only the adults are the one that are homeless, kids need help too, and you can make that change.

 @9GK2225 from California agreed…7mos7MO

People who are homeless are not all addicted to drugs, alcohol, or anything else harmful to the body. Some of them truly did not do anything wrong to become homeless, but even the ones who did deserve a chance at being able to live a good life again. People dying or suffering on the streets deserve to have food in their beliefs, and a warm place to stay until they can get better or are ready to get back on their feet again to find jobs and be able to support themselves again.

 @9FFZ2X9Women’s Equalityagreed…9mos9MO

Creating more social programs to aid homeless people will reduce homeless people's death rates, crimes committed by homeless people, and help them to get a job and get off the streets. It is the governments responsibility to care for their citizens, even if those citizens don't rent or own a home.

 @9FP6MXG from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

If we established more programs and used more of our tax dollars to create programs to help homeless people, it creates a feedback loop that would work well to stop the growth of the homeless population in the United States

 @97T78V6Republican from Alaska commented…2yrs2Y

Homeless should get a voucher to get free clothes at a Second hand store one time a month. Do you know how many clothes are thrown away or end up in landfills. Way to many. Give the clothes to those in need.

 @9F8LY9YWomen’s Equality from Alabama agreed…9mos9MO

I think we should provide more programs that provide free food, clothing, and medicine because it will help solve hunger in our communities. There are a lot of people who are starving because they have no access to the basic health benefits.

 @9F7HM9W from Kentucky disagreed…9mos9MO

I believe you can only help the people who want to be helped. You can’t create a world where no one has to do anything. People should be offered help when they need it and ask for it, but they are their own person and it all hey don’t make a decision to get help then that’s their decision.

 @9GK54F8 from Connecticut agreed…7mos7MO

Providing for these needs would reduce thefts and violent crimes triggered by the desperation of basic needs not being met.

 @9GPTV2JDemocrat from Arizona agreed…7mos7MO

Housing always comes first. When someone is addicted to drugs, facing a mental health crisis, or other social pressures that brought them to be homeless in the first place, you cannot expect adequate treatment without housing. Food, clothing, and medicine are basic necessities and should be given to all who are struggling to obtain them.


The world would be a better place if everyone was housed and taken care of. The streets would be cleaner. There would be less problems.

 @9GGHH3H from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

If we can not be equal and work together as a world, then making it just a tiny bit easier for the people who have nothing, can not harm the world or our precious little nation anymore than we already have. I contemplated quitting my job today, walking out on society and its corrupt rule and regulations, but its to easy to play the games set by our precious nation why not continue. It is not the governments responsibility to provide help for the people of this world, it is OUR responsibility to help when we see someone in need, if you were in their shoes you would hope for the same generosity.

 @9GP5W2C from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Just because the people who might refuse shelter might not refuse free food, clothing, and medicine because they might need it to survive. People might refuse the shelter because they would feel like they are intruding on other people and their space.

 @9GMDVJ7 from Massachusetts agreed…7mos7MO

I don't know a lot of statistics write now but I do know some people who are or were homeless and the only way they have survived is through social programs and being able to sleep in public places.


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